Shengli Oilfield Hekou Plant organized pipeline leakage emergency drill

In order to ensure the safe and clean production of the beach oil field in the rainy season, the Sinopec Shengli Oilfield Hekou Oil Production Plant recently held Feiyantan Oilfield pipeline leak emergency drill.
At 10 o'clock in the morning, under the unified command of the management area from production center, more than 10 employees formed the emergency response forces of the pipeline leakage, it was simulated the leakage of the outer pipeline of Feiyantan Oilfield. Some of people laid the oil booms and the other laid the oil absorbent pads, then some people recycled the pollutants, and the perforation was promptly punched and trapped. The drill was improved the pipeline leakage actual level of employees.
During this period, the Hekou oil production plant continued to strengthen the “anti-risk, hidden dangers elimination, and accidents prevention” while grasping the safe and clean production of the oilfields, and strictly implemented the key tasks of the “eight defenses in the rainy season” to further consolidate the production base of the rainy season.

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